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Obituary of Louisa Ann Conner, undated 1932

(Louisa Ann Conner)
(She died Mar 11 1932 aged 89 years)
      [Text missing] Here, In 1862, she met John S. Conner. The young people were immediately attracted to each other, and a few months later, in 1863, they were married. After three years' residence at Lexington, they sold their holdings and again took the westward trail, locating this time in Central City, Colorado, where Mr. Conner soon I made a place for himself among the community's leading citizens, operating a hotel and general merchandise establishments, as well as handling contracting work on the then building Union Pacific railway. But in 1867 disaster overtook them, when their holdings in Central City were wiped out by a fire.
      With a covered wagon equipped with a trailer — the first "six-wheeled" vehicle known to the Oregon trail — drawn by a team of oxen and four cows, and With half a sack of flour and no money for another, they started for the Pacific Northwest. Arriving in Olympia in 1868, Mrs. Conner immediately established that city's first millinery store, which she operated for a short time, while Mr. Conner sought for a location on Puget Sound. In 1868 he found the location he wanted and on, New Year's day, 1870, they came to the little trading post [near] the mouth of the Skagit river.
      The land on which they located, much of which is still in possession of the family, is to classed by the Department of Agriculture as "the most fertile in the United States, if not in world." On this land Mr. Conner began raising oats, being among the first of the settlers to dike land to hold back the tide waters of the Sound. In 1875 family moved to Seattle to begin the education of their children. [James] D. Lowman, later a member the firm of Lowman & Hanford stationers and printers, being employed as tutor. Continued successfully in oat-raising, together with the rapid advance in realty values in Seattle and on the LaConner Flats brought quick prosperity and the beginnings of fortune.
      The Town of LaConner was platted in 1871, the name been made by taking Mrs. Conner's initials, "L.A." as a prefix with the family name of Conner [post office established under that name March 29, 1870]. The Conner estate still owns many buildings and building lots in the city. Mr. Conner died in 1885 while temporarily residing with his family at Oakland, California. In 1886 Mrs. Conner returned to LaConner and built the beautiful home place which was known for many years as "Clover Law," one of Skagit County's showplaces. This was on the tract purchased a short time ago by Edward Wells, the house standing in a grove of trees on the edge of which the new Wells cottage now stands, about a mile from LaConner. The home burned in 19[illegible] since which time Mrs. Conner made her home in Seattle, at 21st Avenue North.
      Mrs. Conner is survived] by her children: Mrs. Ida Talbott, Herbert S. Conner, Mrs. Lillian Kendall, Frank J.S. Conner, G.W. Conner and W.W. Conner. Three children, Martin, Louis and Mary Viola, preceded her in death.
      Funeral services were held Monday morning at St. Joseph's Church in Seattle, mass being said at the morning service. At two o'clock services were held in Sacred Heart Church in LaConner, the rite of Final Absolution being conducted. Rev. Father Durgin of Seattle was in charge of the services and was assisted by Rev. Fr. Barry of Sacred Heart Church. The funeral was directed by the Bonney-Watson Company of Seattle, assisted by Coy R. Kern of the Kern Funeral Home. Interment was made in the family plot at Pleasant Ridge Cemetery.


Relatives surviving
      Louisa's [unknown first name] sister married Ed Wells, once sheriff of the county. She appears to have another relative who moved to the county, but the records are very confusing. Two sources record that Archibald Seigfried of Bay View was her husband's cousin, but the book, Chechacos All, states that Seigfried was Louisa's brother. But then again, the latter book misspells his name Siegfried, which is disputed by his burial record. We hope that a reader or a Conner descendant can provide a family tree.] [Return]

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Story posted on May 13, 2009 . . . Please report any broken links so we can update them
This article originally appeared in Issue 48 of our Subscribers-paid Journal online magazine

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